Thus, the size of newer updates will be reduced, and will also reduce the time required for installing the new platform versions on the device, RIM explains. The Bridge app allows users to access emails, contacts and calendar info that is held on their BlackBerry smartphones on the PlayBook tablet as well, and the updates are fairly minor — it's nothing as exciting as getting your actual emails direct to your actual tablet. Email required Address never made public. It is recommended that you install it on the smartphone too for better compatibility. Back to School Existing BlackBerry PlayBook tablet users will receive a notification on the availability of the new update, and will be offered the possibility to download and install it. Click to load comments. Uploader: Mausho Date Added: 13 May 2007 File Size: 36.9 Mb Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X Downloads: ...