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A da na kraj link za skidanje map raspakovati u folder Konami, tamo gde je PES 6 instaliran: But I have a question.. This update is almost perfect.. Thanks for all the hard work and effort you guys put into this patch. Constant adding of new players and transfers, actualized player stats, new music background in the game…. Instalirao sam ovaj update i sad imam problema sa dresovima napoli dresovi od mesine i tako to nisu pravi ostalo je sve ok a u prosloj verziji ovog patcha znaci prije ovog februarskog update sve je najbolje radilo jel zna ko sta je problem da rijesim pls patch je odlican pucam sa jaranima po cijele dane: shollym patch switcher 1.0

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And also a BIG thanks to all other editors, without their work this wouldn't be possible.

New Kitserver without stadiums 2. You could see the net but the bars were transparent. New stadiums with improved graphics and HD turf, real referees, real trophees, TV scoreboards, new looks for menus and team emblems, high quality kits, faces.

Da li si odradio reinstall pa install kitservera posle ubacivanja i reimenovanja stadiona? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

I was playing with Barcelona against Racing santander on master league and the goals were transparent.

shollym patch switcher 1.0

The same with O. Ne razumijem ovo za stadione, ubacio sam ih nekoliko u gdb folder, preimenovao kako pise u igrici ali ne radi? Last Jump to page: I skiped the entrance scene!

Best Patch | PES Edit by PBQP

switdher I knew it, only a Serb would be crazy shollyj stubborn enough to make something like this: Who can tell me when will Shollym release a new patch? You have entered an incorrect email address! Malo mi je vise vremena trebalo, ali na kraju sam uspeo da zavrsim sve.

Hi Sizzerb, Do youu mean default scoreboard as a scoreboard that came with the game the original scoreboard or as a scoreboard that is set to default by your patch? I get some south american or spanish chanting. Can i use kitserver to have correct faces and emblems…is my graphic card also to weak for kitserver….

Sometimes the game crashes when I, or the CPU has kick off after a goal or at the beggining of extra time. Hoce li skoro 14soft verzija? Mislio sam da nisam dobro skinuo pa sam opet odradio download prvog dela ali se ta greska uvek ponavlja, verovatno sitan propust Solima ili nekog iz ekipe, nista strasno. Results 1 to 20 of Godinama se nisam bavio sesticom,jel komplikovano instalirati ovaj pec i jel treba nesto od pre da se skida ili samo ovo? The rest of you thank you for your support, it means a lot, I hope you will enjoy playing the patch!

The shooting is so terrible and stupid that you can t shoot on target between the posts if some players are next to your left and right. Also thanks to creators of other patches from which I used some of the material: I know new patch is comming out in mid october but it would be really nice if i can find update for this one. Raspakovati rar fajl, dobicete folder "kitserver", zameniti ga sa postojecim kitserverom koji se nalazi u instalacionom folderu PES 6, tz.

BarselonacbiancorossoDeneskopitaneskitaPelemascaPrinceShollym. Please enter your name here. This update is almost perfect.

PES 6 Shollym Patch 2010-11 Winter Update + Classic Patch

Constant adding of new players and transfers, actualized player stats, new music background in the game…. I stopped playing this game for several years but prefer it compared to the latest fifa and pes versions. Actually Pes6 is one of the best Pes ever made, but i got tired of playing it years ago. Yes you need some files from there and you can find them on piratebay under the name Shollym Patch This patch is relly awesome!!!

shollym patch switcher 1.0


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